How to play Death Match Trivia

  • Show up on time.
  • If you are interested in playing, sign in with the host. (Feel free to just root for your friends on or enjoy the spectacle if you don't want to play!)
  • 8 players will compete each event. If more than 8 people sign up, players will be determined randomly.
  • Each player will get paired off against another player to play their match. See below for the match structure.  
  • The winner of each match advances, the loser is eliminated. 
  • After 3 rounds (when there is only one player remaining) that player is the winner of the event and collects their prize!

How the match works

  • Each payer will be asked 6 questions. 
  • Each question is worth 1 point (unless your opponent gave it a Strike, see below).
  • After the 6th question, the player with the most points advances. 
  • If there is a tie, players will play a multi-answer tiebreaker question, trading answers back and forth.
  • The first player to get two answers without an intervening correct answer from their opponent wins the tiebreaker, and the match!

Striking Questions

  • Before each match, each player will get a Strike card. 
  • On the Strike card, indicate the category that you wish to Strike for your opponent. 
  • A Strike reduces the score of that question by 1 point. (If your opponent gets the question right, they get zero points. If they miss the question, they lose a point.)

Next Event:

To Be Determined